How to Crash Confidently

Table of Contents

How to Crash Confidently

Who is this guy?

The Textbook for this Course

Technical Credits

What is an Illusion?


Why technical details are important.

Types of Illusions Important to Pilots

Accidents of Thinking (Frank Caron, Technical Soaring, V13 #3 71-75, July, 1999)

Spatial Disorientation: Important in VFR flight

Some accidents happen because of how we're designed.

Features of the VestibularOrgans

The Vestibule

Functions of Sensation

Vestibular Illusions: Why Kennedy Crashed

Visual Illusions: The Key to Bad Approaches

Illusions Are Errors that we don't know we're making

Shape and Size Constancy

Runways of Different Width

Aerial Perspective

False Horizon

Absent or Obscured Cues

The Black Hole Approach

Black Hole Approach 2

Vection Illusions False-Motion Illusion

False Stabilization

Vestibular Illusions, Reprise

The Key to Vestibular Illusions: Sub-threshold movement

Otolith Anatomy

Otolith Function

Otolith Illusions Illusions related to gravity, tilt, and acceleration

Somatogravic Illusions Soma = body gravitas = weight

Oculogravic Illusions oculos = eye

The Elevator Illusion

G-excess Effect

The Inversion Illusion Sub-Gravity Sensations

SemiCircular Canal Illusions

Semicircular Canal Function

Somatogyral Illusions

Graveyard Spiral

Oculogyral Illusions

Coriolis Illusions

Coriolis Illusion Snags Glider Pilot

Coriolis Illusion Bites Jet Pilot

What to take Home?

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