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Scripture does not say on what grounds this chaos was brought about.

The creation as chaos, or chaos as a primeval state is derived from heathen traditions, not from scripture.
"Heaven and earth" implies an ordered state.

What use God made of the young earth is not revealed in scripture. The fact that the young earth existed is important and interesting. Geology has discovered facts about that young earth.
- They point to a time when life had no existence here.
- This is not a difficulty for scripture interpretation.

Man can imagine a First Cause;
Man can't explain the nature of the First Cause; we can feel there must be a First Cause but can't explain it; because we are caused beings, hence we can't imagine anything, such as God that is uncaused.

We are told, however, by Scripture, that all things had a First Cause, and this First Cause was God, who by the absolute act of His own will, created.
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