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Paul was caught up into the third heaven. There is the heaven of His presence; the heaven of the cosmos; the heaven of the clouds and rain.

The third day. Dry land appears.

The theory of Evolutionary development denies genera and species.

[Ed. note: This is correct; this essay and Darwin's writings preceded the discovery of genetics by decades. Darwin thought that over time, under survival pressure, species gradually changed, slowly acquiring characteristics that would adapt them to their habitat, and in this process whole new types of plants and animals would develop.

Early opponents of Evolutionism saw this clearly, and so carefully defended distinct speciation.

Evolutionary theory has been completely overhauled since the discovery of genetics and of cell biology; one of its greatest challenges is attempting to hypothesize how, with discrete genes and complex intact systems within and between cells, any beneficial change might have occurred. Currently there is not even a ghost of an explanatory hypothesis, only a blind confidence that God cannot be underneath it all.]

Here we are told that the different herbs had their kinds.
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