Photos of Dan Johnson's Ventus panel

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The cream-colored box, center, strapped to the System Unit; upper left, the vario's backside. All these three pieces will come out.
The T-fitting is in the TE line

White foam: ILEC vario capacity, taped to the B100 System unit; just to the right of this is the backside of the ILEC mechanical vario.
The large grey multiplex jacks at the lower right are engine electronics; just above these, pasisng over some bright red shrink-wrap, are the wires -- one a grey coax cable and the other a green/blue twisted pair that goes the the Borgelt Mystery Box.

This is the Borgelt GPS antenna. It comes out. We should replace it with a piece of black aluminum -- and perhaps mount the transponder antenna here.

The panel, from the left.

Panel width, from the right.
Left: note the two tiny pin plugs. These appear to have some function with the Borgelt, and may be usable with the SN10 flight computer which will replace it.
The 3" instrument at the 12-15" spot on the tape measure is the engine control.
The 2.25" instrument above it is a mechanical variometer. This stays.
The square display at top center is coming out.
The 2.25" Borgelt vario at its right, white tape above it and to its right, is being replaced.

The panel base, with the panel raised, showing the battery, wiring/tubing conduit, and base.

The length of the panel base, outside dimension.

The inside width of the panel base.

The height of the panel base.

The depth of the panel base at tis bottom, inside dimension.

The depth of the top of the panel base, inside dimension.

The height of the panel base.

The distance between the stick and the panel base with the stick fully forward, and the length of the top of the panel base.

The distance between the bottom inside front of the panel base block to the wiring conduit with the panel fully raised.

The file names are my file numbers, and are not directly related to image contents. The subject and technical data are contained within each jpeg file itself, as a comment readable by the Gimp or Photoshop, and the comment is provided to the right of each thumbnail image below.

All photographs are copyright © Daniel L. Johnson; all rights reserved. Photos may be copied and disseminated only without charge, and with attribution.

Except as explicitly noted otherwise, all images Copyright © 2004 Daniel L. Johnson.
All rights reserved.