The ttywatch port monitoring software

ttywatch was originally designed to log serial console output from lots of Linux machines on a single monitor machine. It:

Future enhancements may (especially if other folks get interested and start contributing code) include:

Tarballs are available:
Version .tar.gz .tar.bz2
0.14 ttywatch-0.14.tar.gz ttywatch-0.14.tar.bz2
0.13 ttywatch-0.13.tar.gz ttywatch-0.13.tar.bz2
0.12 ttywatch-0.12.tar.gz ttywatch-0.12.tar.bz2
0.11 ttywatch-0.11.tar.gz ttywatch-0.11.tar.bz2
0.10 ttywatch-0.10.tar.gz ttywatch-0.10.tar.bz2
0.9 ttywatch-0.9.tar.gz ttywatch-0.9.tar.bz2
0.8 ttywatch-0.8.tar.gz ttywatch-0.8.tar.bz2
0.7 ttywatch-0.7.tar.gz ttywatch-0.7.tar.bz2
0.6 ttywatch-0.6.tar.gz ttywatch-0.6.tar.bz2
0.5 ttywatch-0.5.tar.gz ttywatch-0.5.tar.bz2
0.4 ttywatch-0.4.tar.gz ttywatch-0.4.tar.bz2
0.3 ttywatch-0.3.tar.gz ttywatch-0.3.tar.bz2
0.2 ttywatch-0.2.tar.gz ttywatch-0.2.tar.bz2
0.1 ttywatch-0.1.tar.gz ttywatch-0.1.tar.bz2

Screen shots aren't too generally useful, but perhaps a sample configuration file could demonstrate what you can do with ttywatch.

# This is an example /etc/ttywatch.conf configuration file
# Any options that you can use on the command line you can
# use in this file.  You can even use the --config option
# to include other files!  In the default configuration,
# the --pidfile option will be ignored because it is
# overridden in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ttywatch file.
# The default configuration, /etc/rc.d/init.d/ttywatch will
# also read all files in /etc/ttywatch.d/ as configuration
# files.  Those files will be read AFTER this main configuration
# file.
# This configuration file will be read by default by the
# ttywatch service init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/ttywatch)
# but is not read implicitly when you run ttywatch by hand.
# Specify --config /etc/ttywatch.conf on the ttywatch
# command line if you want to read this configuration file.
# man 8 ttywatch for more information.

### A sample configuration follows:

--name m1 --ipport 3000
--name m2 --port /dev/ttyS1 --bps 9600  --ipport 3001
--name m3 --port /dev/ttyS2 --bps 57600 --ipport 3002
--name m4 --port --ipport 3003

### machine one (m1) is connected to /dev/m1 and talks 115200 bps (default)
###   its log is kept in /var/log/ttywatch/m1.log
###   /dev/m1 is a link to /dev/ttyS0
###   telnet to port 3000 to interact with this port
### machine two (m2) is connected to ttyS1 and talks 9600 bps
###   its log is kept in /var/log/ttywatch/m2.log
###   telnet to port 3001 to interact with this port
### machine three (m3) is connected to ttyS2 and talks 57600 bps
###   its log is kept in /var/log/ttywatch/m3.log
###   telnet to port 3002 to interact with this port
### machine four (m4) is available via port 3000 on
###   its log is kept in /var/log/ttywatch/m4.log
###   telnet to port 3003 on THIS host to interact with port 3000 on
### NOTE: network connections are not authenticated in ANY WAY.  Do not
### use the --ipport (-i) option if any untrusted users can connect to
### the ports you choose.  Only use it in secure environments.  You
### have been warned...

Other programs with similar purposes include: